Characters I want to return in Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite
By Calvin Parsons
Jan. 6, 2017
Like I said at the end of my last post I would make a list of the characters I want to return in MvCI.
Again the characters are in no specific order, but unlike last time I'm not doing a set number I'm just gonna mention all the characters I want to return. Also for this list I'm not going to worry about the whole 20th Century FOX thing that is going on with the mutant characters.
Spidey is Marvel's mascot and I'm not worried at all about him not making it into this game, especially with Spider-Man: Homecoming out later this year. Costume wise I hope they just stick to his normal costume, and some alternate costumes like the Symbiote, Superior Spider-Man, Scarlet-Spider, etc, and not his Marvel Cinematic Universe costume.
Jill Valentine(Capcom)
I put Jill here just because she's one of my favourite Resident Evil characters. Hopefully they make it Resident Evil 1 Jill like in MvC2 and not Resident Evil 5 Jill, like in UMvC3.
So I'd like to see X-23 make a return in MvCI, but under her current alias as Wolverine. In the comics she has recently taken up the mantle of Wolverine when Logan died. This most likely won't happen since the average Joe probably doesn’t know that Logan is dead, and the X-23 has replaced him as Wolverine. Her move set could be a mix between her's and Wolverine's from UMvC3, so she has some of the things that made Wolverine, Wolverine, but also keep some of the things that made her different from Wolverine.
Strider has been a staple character in Marvel vs. Capcom since the beginning, so it was good that Capcom decided to not put him in the original version of MvC3, but they later fixed this by putting him in UMvC3. So lets hope they decide to put him in this game.
Iron Fist(Marvel)
I was pumped when I heard that Iron Fist was going to be in UMvC3 when they were announcing the new characters for that version of the game, so hopefully he can make his way into this one. I wouldn’t be to surprised to see his return either since he is getting his own Netflix series soon.
It’s fucking Dante, the demon killing, pizza eating badass. He's one of Capcom's most popular characters, and was a fan favourite among UMvC3 players. All his moves are flashy and translate well into a fighting game. So lets hope we can see his return to the series, later this year.
Psylocke is one of my favourite X-Men, and if you ask on the right day I'll tell you she's my favourite. Her first Capcom fighting game appearance was in X-Men: Children of the Atom, and was also a playable character in Marvel Super Heroes, and Marvel vs. Capcom 2, so it would be cool to see the character make a return after her absence from UMvC3.
Darkstalkers is my favourite fighting game series, sadky much like Megaman Capcom seems to hate the series and we will probably never see another game in the series, Marvel vs. Capcom is the closest thing we will have to a new Darkstalkers game. Her first appearnce in the vs. series was in MvC2, and she made her way into MvC3.
Omega Red(Marvel)
Let us continue the trend of putting those X-Men characters in here. X-Men characters have always been awesome in these games and I hope we can see some of them return to the series. I also haven't mentioned ant grappling characters so here you that’s one for the boards!
Ruby Heart(Capcom)
Ruby Heart was a character that only appeared in MvC2, and I loved her design and I would love to see her make a return in this game. Not sure if you noticed but I want most of these characters to make a return because I think they look cool, but the jokes on you it's my list I don’t care, I'll do what I want.
Taskmaster is my favourite Marvel Villain of all time. For those that don't know he basically has a super photographic memory which lets him replicate anything he see's. When I saw him show up in MvC3 I had to put him on my team. I found his combos fun to pull off, and easy to learn. He's a character I find doesn’t get used enough, and I would greatly appreciate his return.
Like Ruby Heart, Amingo only made an appearance in MvC2. I want this guy in here primarily because he looks lame, but in a good way, and it would be nice to see a joke character in this game. It’s very unlikely that he will make a return but we can all hope, that one day we can see this glorious cactus man make a return.
Doom has been one of the most popular MvC characters since MvC2, with his cool combos, and badass look. It would be awesome to see his return, but like the X-Men characters 20th Century FOX owns the rights to those characters so let's hope we can see him foot-dive one last time, if not then he will forever live on in our hearts.
So basically I'm just tired of writing this so I'm gonna stop there, I'll probably add more to the list as time goes on but until then I'm finished.